A highly anticipated comedy event featuring popular South African comedian Trevor Noah faced an unexpected setback due to technical difficulties, leading to the cancellation of the scheduled shows in Bengaluru. Trevor Noah, known for his wit and humour, had recently delighted audiences in New Delhi with three successful shows but encountered challenges during his Bengaluru performances. Scheduled to take place on September 27 and 28 at the Manfo Convention Center near the Hebbala flyover, the shows initially drew excitement from fans. However, issues arose with the clarity of Noah’s voice, prompting concerns from the audience. In response, Trevor Noah and his team diligently reviewed the sound systems in an attempt to rectify the problem. Despite their efforts, it became apparent that the technical issue could not be resolved. At 8:30 pm, the event organisers made the regrettable announcement that the shows had to be cancelled. Expressing his disappointment, Trevor Noah took to social media, specifically platform X, to address his fans. He stated, Dear Bangaloreans, I was really looking forward to performing in your wonderful city. But due to a technical problem, we had to cancel both shows. Even after all efforts, the technical problem was not solved. Finally had to cancel with no recourse. All ticket money will be refunded in full. This has never happened before, sorry, he posted. Tickets for the shows had been sold at Rs 2,000, and both the event organizers and BookMyShow have assured ticket holders that they will receive full refunds within 8-10 days. While the cancellation was undoubtedly disappointing for fans, Trevor Noah’s commitment to delivering quality entertainment and his sincere apology have been appreciated by his audience.