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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Asia Oceanic Championships 2024: Indian National Ultimate Frisbee Team Clinches Silver

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The Indian National Ultimate Frisbee team displayed tremendous resilience in the finals of the Asia Oceanic Beach Ultimate Championships (AOBUC) 2024, securing a runner-up position after a hard-fought battle against the Philippines. Despite a closely contested match, India concluded with a 9-12 scoreline. This championship, gathering 16 teams from Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, marked a significant milestone for ultimate frisbee in India, as it was the first time the national team reached the finals, underscoring their growth and potential on the global stage.

The team’s journey to the finals was highlighted by a notable victory over Japan in the semi-finals, showcasing their skill and determination. The championship match was intense, with both teams demonstrating exceptional athleticism and sportsmanship. India’s performance throughout the tournament earned widespread acclaim and support from fans and the global ultimate frisbee community.

The team’s success was bolstered by community crowd funding efforts and nationwide fan support, involving over 15,000 ultimate frisbee players. With their impressive silver medal finish, surpassing their third-place performance in 2019, Team India has laid a solid foundation for future success and inspired numerous young athletes to pursue the sport passionately.

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