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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

India’s Hitaashee Bakshi Shares Clubhouse Lead At Singapore Ladies Masters

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Hitaashee Bakshi played 28 holes under challenging, wet conditions with multiple stoppages to position herself well at the Singapore Ladies at Laguna Golf Resort. Hitaashee is tied for the clubhouse lead with China’s Zixuan Wang at 3-under 141 after 36 holes.

Starting her second day with 10 holes remaining from her first round, Hitaashee completed it with a 1-over 73. She then immediately played her second round, finishing with an impressive 4-under 68 before darkness halted play. Her second-round score was the best among the completed rounds so far.

Indian amateur Mahreen Bhatia posted 76-76, ending 8-over and just outside the current cut line of 7-over. She will have to wait to see if she makes the cut as 80 players need to finish their second rounds in the morning.

Seher Atwal faced disappointment as she was disqualified for playing her final hole after the horn signaled a stoppage due to darkness. She had been at 5-over for 36 holes, within the cut line, but was expected to stop and resume the next day.

Reflecting on her long day, Hitaashee said, ‘I played 28 holes today, starting at 5:30 am. It was very tiring, but I’m glad I managed to finish my second round.’ Despite the tough conditions and mental exhaustion from frequent stoppages, Hitaashee felt physically prepared and remains optimistic.

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