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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Do Not Reject Farm Loan Applications: TN Venkataramaiah  

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Reserve Bank of India Manager TN Venkataramaiah  called upon bankers not to reject the loan application of farmers seeking farm loans.
There were several instances of farmers ending their life having been unable to repay loans borrowed from money lenders at exorbitant interests, he noted, while speaking during the district level meeting for development of banks at Dakshina Kannada Zilla Panchayat hall.

 He said till December end, 456 farmers have ended their lives by suicide in the state. Of which, 354 farmers only received compensation. The remaining could not receive compensation as they had not availed loan from banks and had instead availed loan from money lenders, he said.
Zilla Panchayat Chief Exective Officer K Anandh urged bankers to extend overdraft facility for the Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) beneficiaries. Though banks in the district have opened 3,97,46 saving bank accounts under PMJDY scheme from April 1, 2023, the progress in extending Ovderdraft facility is only at 68.9 percent as on March 31, 2024. Banks were given the target of 10 Overdraft facilities per quarter, but many have not extended the facility for even a single PMJDY account holder, he rued and urged bankers to take up extending the facility for PMJDY accounts seriously. Bankers should create awareness among customers about social security schemes, he said.

He also stressed the need for using Kannada in banks and insisted all bank staff to learn the language to converse with the customers.
Lead Bank Manager Kavitha Shetty said that under PM SVANidhi first tranche, loans were sanctioned to 12,175 beneficiaries. Of which, 192 applications are pending for disbursement. In the second tranche, loans were sanctioned for 3,282 applications and under the third tranche, 1,187 applications were sanctioned with loans as on June 10. On the pendency of applications, the bankers said beneficiaries are not showing keen interest.

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