The BBMP has instructed an advertising company, Signpost India, to remove all unipole advertising boards placed on footpaths and public roads within seven days. This notice was issued after the firm installed LED boards in various locations without the necessary approval from the BBMP’s chief commissioner. Interestingly, the BBMP has also given the company fifteen days to propose alternative locations for each LED board.
Last month, Signpost India began installing 1,560 LED boards, each measuring 3.75 square meters, near 400 traffic signals as part of a public-private partnership project. Although the agreement dates back to March 2018, the project faced scrutiny for alleged modifications that favored the company.
The BBMP’s notice references multiple court rulings, including a division bench order that prohibits advertising boards on pedestrian footpaths, particularly in busy areas. The civic body emphasized that any location changes must receive prior approval from the chief commissioner as per the BBMP Act.
The notice follows concerns raised in a recent article highlighting safety issues due to the placement of LED boards on footpaths, violating a public notice from June 2021 aimed at preserving pedestrian access.
While the BBMP’s notice did not address the Rs 62 crore in advertisement tax and ground rent owed by the company, it has allowed Signpost India to identify new locations for advertisements that exclude footpaths and medians. S R Kemparaju, executive director of Signpost India, stated he would respond to the BBMP’s notice on Monday.