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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Telangana To Appoint One Teacher For Every School With 10 Students

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The Telangana government has initiated a significant educational reform by ensuring each government school with a student population of one to ten will be assigned one teacher. This move comes as part of an official effort to enhance educational standards across all government schools in the state.

Previously, in 2015 and 2021, the government had issued orders specifying teacher allocations based on student enrollment: one teacher for schools with 0-19 students, two for 20-60 students, and three for 61-90 students. The current administration under Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy has revised this policy to optimize teaching resources for better educational outcomes.

According to the Chief Minister’s Office, schools will now receive one teacher for 1-10 students, two for 11-40 students, and three for 41-60 students. Web options have been introduced to facilitate the filling of sanctioned teacher positions in schools with over 61 students.

Chief Minister Reddy emphasized the government’s commitment to preventing the closure of single-teacher schools, which previously shut down due to low student numbers and inadequate infrastructure development. To address these issues, the government has allocated Rs 2,000 crore for the reconstruction of dilapidated school buildings and launched the Professor Jayashankar Badi Bata program to boost student enrollment in government schools across villages and hamlets.

This comprehensive approach aims to ensure equitable access to quality education and improve educational outcomes across Telangana’s government schools.

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