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Sunday, June 30, 2024

18th Anniversary Celebrations At Seshadripuram Academy Of Business Studies College

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CH News

Addressing the 18th college anniversary function at Seshadripuram Academy of Business Studies College, Kengeri Suburban on Friday, Shrimat Swami Japanandaji Maharaj highlighted the importance of integrating humane values with education. He highlighted that education should transcend mere academic achievement, urging students to contribute to society’s holistic development by embracing good manners and cultural values.

Speaking at the event, Maharaj underscored the significance of respecting one’s parents, gurus, and elders, attributing their guidance as foundational to personal success and societal contribution.

Seshadripuram Education Foundation President N.R. Pandit Aradhya echoed these sentiments, underlining the role of preserving India’s rich cultural heritage as crucial for achieving success. He applauded the growing participation of women in various fields, asserting the equality of genders and advocating for respect towards women.

The ceremony also included the distribution of prizes and certificates to winners of the annual sports meet and cultural competitions. Recognizing academic excellence, students who achieved the highest marks were honored.

The event concluded with a reaffirmation of the college’s commitment to nurturing not only academic excellence but also ethical values among its students, preparing them to become responsible citizens of upcoming society.

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