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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Delays In Delivery Of Driving Licenses And RC Smart Cards Cause Frustration

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Many applicants awaiting their driving licenses (DLs) and registration certificate (RC) smart cards in Bengaluru are facing prolonged delays, attributed to administrative inefficiencies within the transport department. Sources within the department disclosed that despite the smart cards being ready, they remain undelivered due to inertia among transport officials responsible for dispatching them through the postal department.

Complaints have poured in from numerous individuals who cleared their driving tests weeks ago but have yet to receive their DLs. A 22-year-old resident under the Rajajinagar Regional Transport Office (RTO) shared his frustration, having passed his driving test in early May and still awaiting his DL more than a month and a half later.

The transport department, acknowledging the backlog, has collaborated with the Karnataka Postal Circle to expedite the dispatch of DLs and RCs from the 67 RTOs statewide using Speedpost services. Despite this arrangement, delays persist, prompting Transport Commissioner Yogeesh to intervene. In a stern move, Yogeesh convened a meeting to address the issue and instructed all RTOs to ensure that accumulated DLs and RCs are dispatched by the end of the month.

The transport department has received several complaints regarding delays in issuing DLs and RCs. It has been highlighted that smart cards should be dispatched promptly upon generation, without any unnecessary delays,” stated a transport department official following the meeting.

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