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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Dakshin Kannada Enhances Preparation To Tackle Disasters

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Preparatory measures against natural disasters in Dakshina Kannada have been intensified under the guidance of Revenue Minister Krishna Byre Gowda, according to Deputy Commissioner MP Mullai Muhilan. Task forces have been established for each ward of gram panchayats and urban local bodies across the district. There has been an increase in incidents of wall and house collapses this year, attributed to inadequate construction practices or insufficient land for housing.

The focus is on preventing loss of life, with instructions issued to residents in vulnerable areas. Decentralized task forces, led by incident commanders in each ward, will assess and relocate residents from risky houses to safer areas. Panchayat Development Officers and Chief Officers will serve as incident commanders in rural and urban settings respectively. They will also decide on restricting public access to precarious footbridges and beaches.

Strict enforcement measures are planned against individuals disobeying official directives regarding vulnerable locations. Incident commanders will provide real-time updates to all departments, with empowered teams tasked to manage disasters effectively at seashores, footbridges, streams, and other susceptible areas.

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