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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Pak Man Threatens To Stop Gurudwara From Reopening

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Opposition has surfaced in Faisalabad, Pakistan, where local Muslims were captured in a widely circulated social media video protesting against the reopening of a Gurudwara that had been closed for 76 years. The video shows a protester threatening to obstruct the reconstruction of the Gurudwara and challenging the authority of the Punjab government.

Ameen Butt, reportedly the deputy mayor of Faisalabad, is said to be leading the protest in the video, where disparaging remarks about the Sikh community can be heard. This incident highlights ongoing prejudice faced by minorities in Pakistan, who frequently endure injustices and intolerance.

Minority communities in Pakistan, including Hindus and Sikhs, continue to encounter barriers such as discriminatory laws, social marginalization, and sporadic acts of violence driven by religious extremism. Sikhs in Pakistan have faced discrimination, violence, and targeted attacks over the years, including physical assaults, threats, and vandalism of Gurudwaras. Issues like illegal occupation of Gurudwara properties and property disputes are also reported challenges for Sikhs.

According to Human Rights Watch, violence and systematic discrimination against religious minorities are widespread in Pakistan. The nation’s blasphemy laws are often used unfairly to persecute and incite violence against those accused of blasphemy. Various organizations have consistently raised awareness about these issues and advocated for international attention and legislative reforms to protect the rights of minorities in Pakistan.

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