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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Taiwan Issues Travel Advisories In Light Of Beijing’s Mentions

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Taiwan has cautioned its nationals not to visit China, Hong Kong, or Macao in the wake of Beijing’s threats to carry out the execution of pro-Taiwanese activists. As a result of growing tensions with China, which sees Taiwan as part of its territory and has avoided communication with Taiwan’s administration since President Tsai Ing-wen’s election in 2016, Liang Wen-chieh, a spokesman for Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council, issued this warning.

The advise seeks to warn Taiwanese tourists about possible dangers in light of China’s new regulations that target proponents of Taiwan’s independence. Travel is not forbidden, but residents are cautioned not to express their political opinions or take part in any activities that can land them in trouble with the law in China.

Taiwan had previously denounced Beijing’s vow to impose severe penalties including the death penalty on anyone who supported Taiwan’s independence. Beijing announced that leaders of independence movements who seriously damage the government or the populace will be executed, while other prominent supporters would serve sentences of up to 10 years or even life in prison.

Taipei rejected the new Chinese restrictions, claiming Beijing has no legal authority over Taiwan and that Taiwanese nationals are not bound by them.

The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) also released a press statement denouncing the earlier-announced instructions from Chinese officials as regrettable, describing them as provocative and harmful to relations between the people of Taiwan and mainland China.

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