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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Guj CM Engages With Students, Takes Part In Statewide Admission Festival

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The Kanya Kelavani Mahotsav and School Praveshotsav 2024, a three-day school admission festival organized by the Gujarat state government from June 26 to 28, featured Gujarat CM Bhupendra Patel. At a school event in Chhotaudepur district, CM Patel interacted with students. Teachers visited absent students’ homes the next day, joined by parents.

 Initiatives are being implemented as results are seen, according to CM Patel. Earlier, CM Patel chaired a meeting where he announced over 32 lakh children would enroll in schools during the festival. The statewide school entrance festival, themed ‘Celebration of Joyful Education,’ began on June 26. CM Patel mentioned about 32 lakh kids will be admitted during this three-day event in a post.

He met with the Education Team in Gandhinagar, urging meticulous planning to ensure all state children receive quality education. This year’s festival includes admissions in Classes 9, 11, Balwatika, and Class ‘Namo Saraswati Yojana’ and ‘Namo Lakshmi Yojana’ are new state initiatives this year.

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