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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sindhi Foundation Requests Independent Investigation And Appeal To UN Regarding Kidnapped Minor

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Priya Kumari, a young Sindhi Hindu girl who was stolen, is in need of aid from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). The UNHRC has been contacted by the Sindhi Foundation, a Washington, DC-based organization that advocates for the human rights of Sindhis.
The executive director of the Sindhi Foundation, Sufi Munawar Laghari, made this news in a press release that was released on Thursday from Geneva.

The Sindhi diaspora is issuing an SOS call to the United Nations Human Rights Council to help us rescue an innocent minor Sindhi girl who has been missing for the last three years, said Sufi Munawar Laghari, a well-known human rights activist from Sindh who lives in exile in Washington, DC, in the press release.

According to him, the Pakistani army is supporting the powerful Shahs of Sindh, who are thought to be abducting the young girl.
Laghari emphasized how serious a problem it is in Sindh to regularly kidnap young girls and women of Sindhi descent and convert them without their will.
Given the circumstances, the UNHRC should step in right once to launch an impartial, worldwide investigation.
Laghari insisted that the UNHRC put pressure on Pakistan to ensure that Priya Kumari, a young girl, is returned to her parents safely and alive right away. She also urged Pakistan to take the required steps to put an end to the kidnappings of young Sindhi women and girls and the forced conversion of these individuals in Sindh.

Munawar Laghari further said that on July 8, the Sindhi Foundation would stage a protest against the kidnappings of Priya Kumari and other young Sindhi girls and women, as well as their forced conversions.

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