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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

UKPNP Demands Release Of PoJK Activists Arrested On Fake Terrorism Charges

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In order to emphasize the difficulties facing the region and address the situation of the people living in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK), the United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP) recently hosted a major gathering in Brussels, Belgium.
They called for the release of PoJK activists detained on false accusations of terrorism.
Party leaders Abdul Basit, Aqeel Ahmed, Sajid Hussain, an

d Jameel Maqsood were present at the meeting. The leaders reaffirmed that the way to restore the rights of the people of PoJK is through the revolutionary ideology and manifesto of the UKPNP.
They said that Pakistan and its allies had utilized methods like torture, incarceration, and fire against the Jammu Kashmir Awami Action Committee leaders in order to disturb the calm environment in PoJK.

The arrests of Sardar Shabbir, Sardar Aman, Talha Advocate, and Chaudhry Shakeel Advocate were vehemently denounced by the UKPNP, who classified them as acts of terrorism. The party threatened Pakistan and its operatives with dire repercussions if their demands were not fulfilled and demanded the leaders’ immediate release.

Leaders of the UKPNP pledged to draw attention to state violence in international fora, such as the UN and other human rights organizations. They said that Pakistan was planning to instigate internal strife in order to keep control of the region and that it was unlawfully occupying portions of Jammu and Kashmir.

The UKPNP demanded in a statement that Pakistan stop upsetting the calm atmosphere in the area, claiming that such acts would fail to drive a wedge amongst the populace.
The party pledged to keep up its efforts to recover the rights of the people of PoJK and reiterated its commitment to fighting for those rights on a worldwide platform.

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