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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hotel Owners Consider Price Hike Amidst Government Actions

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The State Hotel Owners’ Association has expressed dissatisfaction with government policies, prompting discussions about a potential increase in food prices. Chandrasekhar Hebbara, State President of the association, indicated a cautious approach, stating, “We are adopting a wait-and-watch strategy. After assessing the situation in a month, we will decide on the price hike.” Hebbara highlighted indirect impacts on the hotel industry, citing rising transport costs due to increased prices of vegetables and goods.

The association clarified its stance, noting concerns about government initiatives that could inadvertently affect businesses adversely. Meanwhile, Tanveer Pash, President of the Drivers Association representing Ola-Uber operators, raised concerns about the hikes in petrol and diesel prices. Pashhighlightedthe burden of toll increases and vehicle rates imposed by both central and state governments on commercial drivers.

Pash urged for government support, proposing subsidies for commercial vehicles and exemptions from taxes to alleviate the financial strain. He warned that if fare increases were necessary due to fuel price hikes, passengers might opt for alternative modes of transport like autos, metro, and BMTC buses.

In response to these developments, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah appealed for restraint from drivers regarding fare adjustments, urging them to consider the broader economic impact on passengers.

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