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Monday, June 24, 2024

Speaker Basavaraj Condoles Death Of Senior Journalist Madanamohan Mattihalli

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Madan Mohan, who retired after serving for nearly four decades in The Hindu, said that the informative articles, critical reports and analyzes he used to write about the problems of the country, especially the North Karnataka part, were eye-opening for the government and the society. Parishad Chairman Basavaraja Horatti praised Madanmohan’s journalistic service.

Madanamohan, who was very interested in land, water dispute and panchayat raj administration system, made a deep study of the areas and wrote several special articles on them, which are still popular today. Basavaraja Horatti said that his work style and professionalism is an inspiration for today’s young journalists and prayed that Lord Madanamohan’s family members and his team would be given the strength to bear the pain of his separation.

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