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Monday, June 24, 2024

MB Patil Backs HD Kumaraswamy on Incentives, Calls for Equal Opportunity

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In Gujarat, concerns have been raised over the proposed $2.70 billion investment by US-based Micron Technology to establish a semiconductor unit in Sanand. The company plans to create 5,000 jobs, entitling it to $2.0 billion in incentives (50% from the central government and 20% from the Gujarat government). Minister for Large and Medium Industries MB Patil criticized the incentive of Rs 3.2 crore per job as unjustifiable. He supported Union Minister HD Kumaraswamy’s query on the matter, suggesting that such incentives should be uniformly applied across all states to ensure equal opportunities.

Patil noted that giving such substantial incentives could essentially equate a company to a Public Sector Undertaking. He expressed concern that the current approach by the central government appears to favor Gujarat, potentially creating disparities among states. Patil emphasized the need for a consistent policy nationwide to foster a conducive industrial environment.

The issue has sparked debate regarding the fairness of the incentives, with implications for economic policies and regional development strategies. Critics argue that the concentration of benefits in a particular state, perceived as influenced by political factors, could lead to imbalances among states competing for investment and job creation opportunities.

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