26.4 C
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Beans Hit A Double Century For The First Time

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Vegetable prices have surged dramatically in Bengaluru, with beans hitting an unprecedented Rs 260 per kilogram, likely for the first time. A prolonged drought followed by recent heavy rain has severely impacted vegetable prices. Currently, various vegetables are priced as follows: ginger at Rs 220, carrot at Rs 80, chili at Rs 120, okra at Rs 60, beetroot at Rs 50, cauliflower at Rs 35 per piece, cabbage at Rs 50, tomato at Rs 50, and garlic at Rs 240.

Traders like Sanjay P noted the distress among consumers as prices soar. Beans have seen a remarkable increase, crossing Rs 200 and rising by Rs 100-150 within days. Factors such as unseasonal rain and a heatwave have damaged crops, leading to shortages and subsequent price hikes.

The demand for vegetables has surged due to the wedding season and festivals, further exacerbating the situation. Beans now command Rs 300-320 per kilogram, while tomatoes, cabbage, and spinach have also seen significant increases.

Consumers, especially those from middle and lower-income groups, are feeling the strain. Shalini Rao, a homemaker, expressed difficulties in managing kitchen expenses, while Rajesh Kumar, a software engineer, highlighted the substantial increase in his monthly grocery bill. Anjali Gupta, a working mother, emphasized the challenge of providing a balanced diet amidst soaring prices, particularly for essentials like spinach.

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