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Friday, June 28, 2024

Mercedes Chief Technical Officer, Mike Elliot, Departs After 11 Years

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New Delhi

Mercedes Chief Technical Officer, Mike Elliot, has bid farewell to the Mercedes Formula 1 team after a remarkable 11-year association. This decision comes six months after he moved into the role, exchanging positions with James Allison, who now serves as Technical Director. Mike Elliot began his journey in Formula 1 in 2000 as an aerodynamicist at Renault. Over the course of his 23-year career in the sport, he occupied various significant roles, starting as an aerodynamicist, then progressing through roles such as head of aerodynamics, technology director, and Technical Director, before assuming the role of Chief Technical Officer in April. Reflecting on his time at Mercedes, Elliot said, It has been one of the great privileges of my career to be part of this Mercedes team. During my time, I have seen it grow from a group of people pulling together to win races, then a first championship, to winning a record eight consecutive Constructors’ Championships – and I am proud to have made my contribution to that journey. He continued, Although the last two seasons have not seen us winning races in the manner we aspire to, they have tested us in many other ways – and forced us to question our fundamental assumptions about how we deliver performance. Elliot has decided that now is the right time for him to explore new challenges beyond Mercedes, and he expressed his gratitude to his team-mates for their collaboration. Toto Wolff, the team principal at Mercedes, praised Elliot’s contributions, describing him as a fiercely intelligent technical brain and a great team player who made significant contributions to the team’s success. He acknowledged that Elliot’s departure was motivated by a desire for new adventures and wished him well in his future endeavors.

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