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Friday, June 28, 2024

Matthew Hayden Declines Coaching Role With Australian National Cricket Team

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New Delhi

Former Australian cricketer Matthew Hayden has unequivocally rejected the idea of coaching the men’s national team, particularly in the wake of the controversial departure of his close friend and colleague, Justin Langer, as the head coach. Langer’s departure from his role as head coach came amid a publicized falling out with players and the cricket board. Hayden expressed his reluctance to take on a coaching role in such circumstances, as it might lead to similar conflicts. I wouldn’t (coach Australia), no. After Justin and his treatment, I wouldn’t have any part of trying to coach Australia because I just don’t feel that’s something I would enjoy, Hayden stated. I really love Australian cricket, and I really love broadcasting on the current cricket team. I think they’re a magnificent team, but in terms of an investment, no, it’s not something that I’d even consider. Langer had taken charge of the Australian team in the aftermath of the ‘Sandpaper Gate’ scandal, which had tarnished the reputation of Australian cricket globally. Under his leadership, the Australian team not only began the process of rebuilding its reputation but also enjoyed a period of relative success. Hayden’s decision not to take on the coaching role reflects the challenges and controversies associated with coaching the Australian national cricket team in recent times.

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