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Friday, June 28, 2024

Former British Sikh Policewoman Sentenced For Assaulting 12-Year-Old Boy

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Sharanjit Kaur, a 41-year-old former policewoman of Indian origin, has been sentenced for assault after slapping a 12-year-old boy during an altercation outside a school in Birmingham last year. The incident, which was captured on mobile footage and widely circulated on social media, led to her resignation and subsequent charges following an investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), as reported by the Birmingham Mail.

The Birmingham Magistrates Court heard that Kaur, while off-duty, approached a group of schoolboys who were engaging in a scuffle on a Birmingham street. In the video, she can be seen rushing towards the boys, shouting at one of them, and subsequently slapping him across the face with a set of keys in her hand. The IOPC’s investigation found that the strike caused a cut to the boy’s cheek.

Consequently, Kaur received a 12-month community order for assault by beating after pleading guilty. IOPC Regional Director Derrick Campbell emphasized that the use of force by police officers should only be employed when necessary, proportionate, and reasonable in the circumstances. He added that the boy’s age and vulnerability were aggravating factors and that Kaur’s actions had the potential to undermine public confidence in policing.

Following the conclusion of the criminal case, the IOPC spokesperson announced that the force would conduct a misconduct hearing for Kaur based on their investigation, which found her liable for gross misconduct concerning the excessive force used and other potential breaches of police standards for professional behavior.

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