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Monday, June 24, 2024

City’s Efforts in Prevention Pay Off: Falling Dengue Cases Bring Relief to Residents

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Bengaluru, often known as Silicon City, has recently witnessed a significant decrease in dengue cases, bringing a sigh of relief to its residents. The city, which reported a staggering 2,374 dengue cases in August and 2,182 in September, has observed a downward trend in infections during the subsequent months.

The recent statistics, indicating a decline in dengue cases, have sparked optimism among the people. Between September 28 and October 7, the city recorded 515 cases, underscoring a noticeable drop in infections and signaling the effectiveness of various awareness campaigns and preventative measures implemented across BBMP wards.

Dr. A. S. Balasunder, the Chief Health Officer (CHO), credited the collective efforts in disseminating crucial information, conducting educational campaigns, and executing surveys aimed at curbing the rising dengue cases. As winter approaches, experts anticipate a further reduction in the infection rate. Dr. Balasunder emphasized the importance of maintaining a clean environment, employing mosquito repellants, and eliminating potential breeding grounds, such as stagnant water and piled-up garbage.

Dr. Trilok Chandra, the Special Commissioner of BBMP Health Department, acknowledged the positive trend, highlighting a decline in reported dengue cases. While acknowledging an increase in infections in certain regions, particularly in the eastern and southern areas, Dr. Chandra expressed confidence in the city’s ability to manage and control the situation effectively.

Additionally, the South Zone reported 117 cases, with notable occurrences in Koramangala, Suddagunta Palya, Ejipura, and Madiwala wards. Despite these localized spikes, the overall downward trajectory in dengue cases serves as a promising sign for the city’s ongoing efforts in disease prevention and control.

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