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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Punjab Has No Surplus Water To Share, Says State Congress Chief

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Punjab Congress President Amarinder Singh Raja Warring vehemently opposed the Supreme Court’s recent order to conduct a survey of land in Punjab designated for the Sutlej-Yamuna Link (SYL) canal construction. Warring emphasized that Punjab simply does not possess surplus water to share with any other state, rendering the survey pointless.

Warring also criticized the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government for allegedly undermining Punjab’s case, suggesting that the AAP had vested interests in the matter. He cautioned against escalating the issue, noting its emotional significance to the people of Punjab and the potential for a return to past conflicts.

The SYL canal dispute between Punjab and Haryana has remained contentious for years. Punjab has consistently argued that it lacks the water resources to support the canal, and the Supreme Court’s decision to order a survey further complicates this already complex matter.

The issue is highly sensitive and polarizing in the region, with political and social implications that extend far beyond the legal aspects. The outcome of this ongoing dispute will continue to be closely watched by residents of both Punjab and Haryana, as well as those interested in water-sharing conflicts and state-level politics in India.

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